
How to be Consistent After Your New Year Resolution

How to get started + improve your fitness journey in 2022, and how to make sure new year’s resolutions are actually becoming long-term habits!

From evolveyou-team | Apr 22, 2024

So you’ve decided on your new year fitness resolutions and your motivation is fired up as you head into 2022. “This is my year”, you think to yourself as you dream big and imagine how amazing reaching your goals finally feels. To help you stay consistent, we’re here to drop all our top tips from how to start, to ensuring that you set and stick to your fitness journey, so that nothing gets in the way of where you want to be.

You’re more likely to stick to your New year’s resolutions if your goals are manageable, tracked and meaningful

1. Break it Down

The reason why many new year’s resolutions fail is that there is no set plan with how to get there. Yes, aiming high is great! But it’s important to have a strategic plan in place to understand what you need to do to reach it. Let’s say your overall goals are to burn some body fat and improve your fitness. Breaking these down into bite-size chunks will allow you to progress in an achievable and successful way. So, think about your resolutions now and write down what you can do daily, weekly and monthly to achieve them.

2. Set Achievable Goals

When it comes to setting your fitness goals, it’s essential that they are doable and achievable. One of the best ways you can do this is to work at your level. For example if you’re new to fitness, selecting a program with advanced moves and an intense schedule is going to deplete your confidence and set you back. On the other hand, being smart with your goals by choosing a program that is suited to you will leave you feeling empowered and confident, helping you to progress to the next level. So whether you’re just starting out, or have been working out for a while, at EvolveYou we’ve got the perfect plan for you!

3. Success isn’t Linear

This is really important to remember, especially when that initial motivation starts to fizzle. Whatever your goals, whether it’s to get stronger, become leaner or to HIIT that deadlift PB, your road to getting there won’t always feel easy. Some days you will feel amazing and others will be challenging as you feel down and deflated. What’s important is that you don’t stop during the hard times and that you push through. This will make all the difference and this will define whether you keep moving in the right direction. So, remember sis, during these times remind yourself how awesome you are, how far you’ve come and to remember to stay with it!

4. Consistency is Key

Consistency is a VITAL component to achieving any results that you want. That’s because science shows that when you practise new behaviours and habits, your brain builds new neural pathways that become stronger with repetition. So the more you do something, the easier it becomes! The easiest way to help you stay consistent is to establish a routine that works for you, that way it becomes habitual and before you know it, you won’t even be thinking about what you’re doing. We recommend that you:

✔️ Start by choosing your EvolveYou training plan

✔️ Schedule your workouts using our weekly planner 

✔️ Be organised by having your gym gear &  water bottle ready!

✔️ Get it done!

Did you know that it takes 5 seconds for your brain to convince you not to do something! So rather than thinking whether to do your workout, set aside time, open up your app and voila! You’ve got this 💪🏽

5. Make Time for your Workouts

Adulting is hard! And one of the most common reasons why people say they struggled to stay consistent with their new year’s fitness resolutions is due to lack of time. We know you’re busy, we understand time can be limited, that’s why at EvolveYou we have a range of programs with different time frames! Sis, we even have 15 min express workouts, and if you think about it that’s the same time most of us spend scrolling.

Why not try our express Body Burn now to feel better, get motivated and to kick off the new year with confidence!

6. Accountability Counts

Life is best lived shared! And sometimes it can feel a bit lonely on your path to a healthier and fitter you. That’s why we’ve created an awesome EvolveYou community to lift you up when you feel down and to empower you to continue on your journey. Whether it be answers to your questions or if you need that bit of extra support, we’ve got that safe and inspiring space for you.

Talking about accountability...what better way to come together as you kick start the new year with our 21 day challenge, starting on 10th January 2022! With 4 x 30-minute, high intensity workouts a week, plus an optional barre and yoga workout, the 2022 Kick Start Challenge is exactly what you need to beat the January blues!

Time to unite our community and push us all out of our comfort zones to form strong, consistent and sustainable healthy long-term habits! Are you in? Don’t miss out on your chance to sign up.  Enrolment begins December 20th and all you need to do is register in-app. Let’s create the best versions of ourselves together!

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Alice Fontecilla
Alice Fontecilla is a qualified personal trainer and sports massage therapist with over 7 years of experience in the world of health and fitness. She also holds a Gestalt counselling certificate as she believes true health stems from a harmonious mind, body and soul.

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