

Official EvolveYou Trainer

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her motivation

"You have everything to gain! All you need to do is start"

Her story

Mia's journey began at an early age with athletics, dancing and gymnastics, but everything shifted when she discovered the gym alongside her friends. Inspired by a strength training PDF from fitness influencer Krissy Cela, Mia dedicated herself to consistent training and quickly saw her strength skyrocket—she was hooked and had found her true passion. After two years of consistent training, Mia decided that she wanted to get her personal training qualification to help other women gain the confidence and strength she had found through her own training and transformation. Once qualified she started creating her own training PDFS encouraging and empowering other women with everything she had learnt. Now a new member of the EvolveYou family, Mia’s mission is to make fitness and bodybuilding accessible to every woman, breaking down the barriers with her belief that getting strong doesn't need to be complicated. Her new program ‘Gain’ offers a clear and straightforward path to gaining strength, confidence and muscle with a clear message that no matter your starting point, becoming stronger is within anyone’s reach, and she’s here to show you how!

Why train with Mia?


Level 2 personal trainer

Training style

Mia’s style is simple and straightforward. In every session you can expect a structured 60-minute session featuring bodybuilding-style exercises, using a mix of cables, machines and free weights.

Did you know

Mia's other passions include coffee making and watching horror films!

Mia’s Programs

My programs will help you get stronger


Step into your Gain era with our brand new trainer Mia, and watch how your confidence rises and strength soars with every workout. Whether you’re a beginner or advanced, Mia’s new gym program is designed to help you maximise each session and seize new growth opportunities. Expect 60 minutes of hard work each session, with free weights, cables and machines to build muscle, strength, and confidence. Mia’s also carefully selected the exercises, reps, and sets to ensure optimal volume for progress without burnout. Grounded in bodybuilding fundamentals, you’ll develop a strong well-rounded physique whilst improving the way you look, move and feel.. Start Mia’s new program today and gain the results you’ve always wanted.


3 - 5 sessions per week

Beginner - Intermediate - Advanced


3 - 5 sessions per week

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