
What Muscles Does Deadlift Work? Debunking Glutes Growth

In our EvolveYou programs, you’ll see the deadlift a lot…and for good reason too! The deadlift is a fundamental exercise in any strength training regime that engages multiple muscle groups and is considered by many to be one of the most important exercises for overall strength and muscle development. So if you’ve ever wondered what muscles it works, the different variations and how to deadlift, stay tuned as we’re about to delve deep into all things deadlift.

From evolveyou-team | Apr 22, 2024

What muscles does it work?
The deadlift is renowned for its ability to simultaneously work a wide range of muscles in the body. It primarily targets the muscles in the posterior chain, which include the glutes, hamstrings, and lower back. Additionally, it engages the quads, core muscles, forearms, and it even improves your grip strength! By involving so many muscle groups at the same time, the deadlift is a highly efficient exercise for building overall strength and developing functional fitness.

The Romanian Deadlift (RDL)
One popular variation of the deadlift is the Romanian Deadlift (RDL). In the RDL, the emphasis is placed on the eccentric or lowering phase of the movement. This variation involves hinging at the hips while maintaining a slight bend in the knees, allowing for a deep stretch in the hamstrings and glutes. The RDL places more emphasis on the posterior chain muscles (muscle in the back of your body), and is often used to improve hip mobility, strengthen the hamstrings, and enhance overall posterior chain development. You’ll often see it in our lower body focused programs as it’s great for developing your hamstrings and building up your glutes! 

Stiff Leg Deadlift
Another variation that you may see a lot of is the stiff leg deadlift. Although very similar to the RDL, the stiff leg deadlift places a greater emphasis on hamstring activation as your knees are kept (as the name suggests) nearly straight throughout the movement. The straighter the knees, the bigger the stretch on the hamstrings, which means this exercise is particularly effective for targeting the hamstrings and improving their strength and flexibility.

Sumo Deadlift
The sumo deadlift is another variation of the conventional deadlift. In this deadlift a wider stance is required with toes pointing outwards (resembling the position of a sumo wrestler). The hands are also placed inside the legs, allowing for a narrower grip on the barbell. If you’re wondering about the benefits of this lift, the sumo deadlift places more emphasis on the muscles of the hips, particularly the adductors and glutes, compared to the conventional deadlift. This wider stance and grip allow for a more upright torso position, and for some this is an easier position to lift from, especially if you have limited back mobility. The sumo deadlift is also a great one to do if you’re a taller girl or struggle with limited ankle mobility, as it allows for a more advantageous starting position and a more vertical bar path.


Now I know about the variations, what equipment should I use? 

When it comes to equipment, the deadlift can be (and is usually) performed with a traditional barbell, dumbbells, or kettlebells. Each option offers its own advantages and challenges. The barbell deadlift allows for heavier weights to be lifted and provides a more stable grip. Dumbbells offer a greater range of motion and can help identify and correct muscle imbalances. Kettlebells, with their unique shape, challenge stability and grip strength while also targeting the posterior chain muscles.

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