
How to Hip Thrust

From evolveyou-team | Apr 22, 2024

What is a Hip Thrust?

Hip thrusts have gained immense popularity as a highly effective exercise for targeting and strengthening the glutes and for good reason too. Whether you're aiming to grow your glutes, enhance athletic performance, or alleviate lower back pain, hip thrusts can be a game-changer in your fitness routine. In this article, we will explore valuable tips and tricks to help you maximise the benefits of hip thrusts and help you achieve optimal results.

The hip thrust works very well with exercises such as deadlifts and lunges, focusing on all areas of the gluteal muscles. It can be performed with dumbbells, but for the purpose of this ‘how to’, it is explained below with a barbell.*

Muscles Used: Glutes, hamstrings, core, quads

Variations: dumb bell hip thrust, single leg hip thrust, banded hip thrusts

Perfect Your Form

Proper form is crucial to ensure the effectiveness and safety of any exercise. So here are our top tips to ensure you nail your hip thrusting form:

1. Start by sitting on the ground with your back against a bench or step, knees bent, and feet flat on the floor.
2. Position a barbell across your hips. Add a cushioned pad around your barbell to protect your hips.
3. Push through your feet as you tuck your tailbone in to engage your glutes, then  lift your hips until your body forms a straight line from your knees to your shoulders.
4. Squeeze your glutes at the top, making sure your eyes are pointing in front and down to protect your spine.
5.  Lower your hips back and down and repeat the movement for your desired reps, paying close attention to maintaining a neutral spine throughout the movement and avoiding any overarching or rounding of your back.

Krissy Cela from Strong

5 Top Hip Thrust Tips

Now we’ve nailed the form let’s have a look at some tips you can to to maximise your hip thrusting benefits!

1. Gradually Increase Weight

To continue making progress with hip thrusts, gradually increase the weight you use over time. This can be achieved by adding weight plates to a barbell, using heavier resistance bands, or holding a dumbbell or kettlebell against your hips. Progressive overload stimulates muscle growth and strength gains. However, it's essential to find a weight that challenges you without compromising your form.

2. Experiment with Foot Placement
The positioning of your feet during hip thrusts can significantly impact the muscle activation and targeted areas. Different foot placement can target different parts of your glutes. For example, placing your feet wider apart can emphasise your gluteus maximus, while a narrower stance can engage and target more of your gluteus medius (your side glutes) to a greater extent.

3. Incorporate Resistance Bands
Resistance bands can be a valuable addition to your hip thrust routine. By placing a looped resistance band just above your knees, you can activate your gluteus medius (those side glutes again) and improve hip stability. This not only enhances the effectiveness of the exercise but also helps prevent knee valgus (inward collapse of the knees) and strengthens the hip abductor muscles. To make full effect of the band, make sure you’re actively pushing your knees out as you lift your hips up.

4. Tempo and Range of Motion
Experimenting with tempo and range of motion can add variety and challenge to your hip thrusts. Slow down the lowering phase, focusing on the eccentric contraction, and explode up with controlled power. This can increase time under tension and further engage your glute muscles. Additionally, strive for a full range of motion by lowering your hips until your thighs are parallel to the ground or slightly below. This ensures that you're fully activating the glutes throughout the entire movement.

5. Mind-Muscle Connection
Developing a strong mind-muscle connection is key to getting the most out of any exercise and there is no exception when it comes to your hip thrusts. Focus on consciously engaging and squeezing your glutes at the top of each rep. Visualise the muscle fibres contracting and working hard. This mental connection can enhance the recruitment of the glute muscles and optimise the exercise's effectiveness.

The Bottom Line

Incorporating hip thrusts into your fitness routine can be a game-changer for building strong and shapely glutes. By following these tips and tricks, you can optimise the benefits of your hip thrusts and take your lower body training to the next level. Remember to always prioritise proper form, gradually increase the weight, and experiment with foot placement and range of motion, as well as embracing that mind-muscle connection to maximise your training and reach your full hip thrusting potential! 

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Alice Fontecilla
Alice Fontecilla is a qualified personal trainer and sports massage therapist with over 7 years of experience in the world of health and fitness. She also holds a Gestalt counselling certificate as she believes true health stems from a harmonious mind, body and soul.

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