
Healthy Protein Pancake Recipe

When looking for a pancake recipe, one key nutrient you want to make sure it has is fibre. Typical pancakes lack fibre, but depending on what ingredients you use, you can easily increase fibre in your recipe to make it a filling, sustainable meal.

From evolveyou-team | Apr 22, 2024

When looking at “fitspo” or “healthyeats” on instagram, a typical breakfast consists of oatmeal or eggs. Rarely do we see pancakes included and for those of us who just love some pancakes in the morning, it can be disappointing! Well, lucky for you to have stumbled on to this blog post, we are discussing how pancakes can in fact fit into a healthy lifestyle! When looking for a pancake recipe, one key nutrient you want to make sure it has is fibre. Typical pancakes lack fibre, but depending on what ingredients you use, you can easily increase fibre in your recipe to make it a filling, sustainable meal.


Greek Yogurt
Peanut Butter
Almond Butter
Ricotta Cheese


Standard pancake recipe:

1 cup oats
1 ripe banana
1 scoop protein powder
1 egg

Combine and blend ingredients!

Vegan pancake recipe:

1 ripe banana
1 cup soy milk
1.5 cups oats
1 scoop protein powder

Combine and blend ingredients!

Feel free to adjust the recipe to your preference. For example, use your milk of choice if you do not prefer soy milk. A banana can be substituted with applesauce, canned pumpkin or even sweet potato.
Instead of the typical ingredient of white flour in pancakes, these two recipes use oats. Oats have been shown to lower cholesterol due to their fibre. Oats are very filling. When you are sitting down for a meal, the goal is to ensure you are receiving the nutrients you need to function throughout the day as well as leaving the meal satisfied until your next meal.

Eating food with no fibre will leave you hungry in just a short amount of time causing you to eat more than you may intend to. Using these recipes as a base and choosing toppings such as those listed above helps to create a meal that fits to your goals and avoids eliminating favourite foods from your diet.

There is no need to eliminate foods to live a healthy lifestyle. There are always small changes you can make to create a healthier meal. If this does not appeal to you and standard pancakes are what you would like, that is okay as well! Standard pancakes can also fit into a healthy, sustainable meal plan. Eat in moderation and ensure the rest of your meals then contain fruits or vegetables, lean proteins and complex carbohydrates.

Remember, one meal does not define your day! Happy Pancake Day!

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Alice Fontecilla
Alice Fontecilla is a qualified personal trainer and sports massage therapist with over 7 years of experience in the world of health and fitness. She also holds a Gestalt counselling certificate as she believes true health stems from a harmonious mind, body and soul.

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