
Fitness Journey: A Guide to Start Sharing Yours

Throughout every fitness journey there are major highs, as well as major lows. We overcome pain, struggles, and personal issues that may affect our initial plan. No two experiences are the same, but they all, in one way or another, touch on these similarities.

From evolveyou-team | Apr 22, 2024

Your fitness journey isn’t just about showing the world how great you look (and you look fabulous of course!), but those before and after pictures represent so much more!

Throughout every fitness journey there are major highs, as well as major lows. We overcome pain, struggles, and personal issues that may affect our initial plan. No two experiences are the same, but they all, in one way or another, touch on these similarities.

I want you to think of people that have influenced you throughout your own journey as an example. How many of those women just happened to be strong physically and mentally without any difficulties or challenges whatsoever? Can’t think of any? That’s because we all, at some point, have our struggles. The beautiful thing about those hard times will inspire others, just as they have inspired you.

Just think for a second here ladies, if our very own Krissy Cela decided not to share her fitness journey, how many of you would be on your own right now? The power of sharing our experiences is incredible!

Of course, like anything, there will be people out there that have an unwelcome opinion. Let me tell you now that this is a reflection of them and nothing to do with you personally, or your experience. I wish that instead of spreading their negativity they would just go and get the help that they clearly need, but nevertheless you can not control anyone except yourself. It’s easy for me to say don’t let it bother you, because I’ll be honest, it may upset you a little if someone has said something mean, however, do not EVER let that stop you! You are far braver, and stronger for sharing your story, than some person hid behind a computer making mean comments. You are inspiring others to do this for themselves too, and that’s a BEAUTIFUL thing!

So, how should you go about sharing your journey? Well, this is completely up to you. You can share as much or as little as you feel comfortable. Here are a few top tips to help you:

1. As much as you really might inspire someone with the vulnerabilities of your journey, you also do not have to share anything you don’t want to. Set your boundaries before you share your story so when someone asks you more personal questions about your experience you can confidently say ‘I don’t feel comfortable sharing this.’

2. Whether you share before and after pictures, or document your journey as you go, sharing can be an amazing tool. Not only are you motivating and inspiring others, you are keeping yourself accountable too.

3. Documenting your meals, and workouts is also a great way to help others discover new and exciting ways to switch up their own routines. The EvolveYou ambassadors are always inspiring me with their delicious dinners and gorgeous workout outfits. There is so much we can learn from one another, but we have to be willing to share our ideas first.

Personally if I’m having an off day, I go straight over to the EvolveYou community page and instantly feel uplifted. You all have had such individual and powerful experiences, and it fills my heart to see you all supporting and encouraging each other along the way.
Looking back on your own progress can also be the best motivator! How amazing is it that you can inspire yourself to push through tough times! Seeing how far you have come in your own journey should be proof that not only are you getting stronger physically and mentally, but that you really are doing this for you!

So however you decide to share your journey, I look forward to hearing all about it! Be sure to tag in @toneandsculptapp and myself @leanne.jacklin and use the hashtag #toneandsculpt so we can all join in on your journey!

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Alice Fontecilla
Alice Fontecilla is a qualified personal trainer and sports massage therapist with over 7 years of experience in the world of health and fitness. She also holds a Gestalt counselling certificate as she believes true health stems from a harmonious mind, body and soul.

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