
How To Exercise To Lose Weight? The Health & Fitness Truth

If you’re wanting to lose weight, understanding how to do it in a way that’s healthy and sustainable can be confusing and overwhelming. With so much information out there, and so many opinions on the subject it’s no wonder that even getting started can feel like a daunting process. Don’t worry, we’re here to help debunk any myths and ensure you know what to do to feel great, look amazing and make exercise work for you and your goals.

From evolveyou-team | Apr 22, 2024

Myth 1: All you need is cardio to lose weight.

WRONG. Whilst cardio (like running and cycling) is a great way to strengthen your heart and lungs, if your quest is maintaining your weight loss and long-term health, then incorporating strength training is key. This is because although cardio is great for burning calories, building lean muscle through strength training helps to boost your metabolism, allowing you to burn more calories throughout the day. All in all if you’re looking for the best results, combining cardio and strength training will help you look and feel your best. 

Myth 2: Weight training will make you look bulky

Wrong again! As you’ve just read, weight training is essential in order to help you maintain a healthy and happy body shape. Not only do women have lower levels of testosterone than men, even then it would take years of hard and heavy lifting, combined with a surplus of lots of calories and growth hormone pills to make you look big and bulky. Trust us when we say lifting weights will only benefit you and your goals! 

Myth 3: Spot Reduction is Possible

Targeting specific areas, like belly fat or thigh fat, is a common misconception. Unfortunately, you can't choose where to lose fat through exercise alone. Where you lose fat will be dependent mainly on your genetics and where you store the most fat. Instead of focusing on one particular area, aim to stay consistent with a well rounded exercise program and healthy eating routine to help you achieve the best results.

Myth 4: More Exercise Means More Weight Loss

There is too much of a good thing and at EvolveYou we believe that balance is always best. Excessive exercising can lead to burnout, injuries, and an unbalanced lifestyle. What’s more is that it can have a negative effect on your emotional health - where guilt and shame become the main motivators and nobody wants that! Instead set your schedule and focus on small consistent steps. Aim for consistency, challenge yourself in your workouts and most importantly have fun! If you enjoy the journey, you’re much more likely to stick at it!

Myth 5: You can out exercise bad nutrition

Sadly not. When it comes to losing weight, performance as well as long-term health, what you fuel yourself with is essential. Exercising is great for your health and happiness, but it’s your nutrition which will really make a difference when it comes to fat loss (and health). Here are some quick tips on how to support yourself better on your weight loss journey:

1. Focus on wholefoods
Think mother nature, so anything that is grown or was living. Natural and unprocessed foods have been proven to harness our hormones, combating cravings and helping us stay fuller for longer.

2. Water up
Staying hydrated is essential for every single process that occurs in our body. It also powers our performance, preventing injury and keeping us fuller for longer.

3. Eat regular meals
Skipping meals can lead to hormone havoc and when it comes to our next meal we will tend to overeat. Instead, focus on having regular, balanced meals throughout the day to keep your blood sugar, energy levels and cravings stable!

Remember we have 1000s of delicious and healthy recipes to help you get started! Not only that, but to make things easier for you we provide a personalised meal plan based on your goals, just head to the nutrition section in our app and let’s get you started

Where to start? 

When it comes to weight loss and exercising, finding a routine and program that works for you is key. If you don’t enjoy it you won’t stick to it, and too much too soon, will make it easier for you to burn out and quit. Aim to make gradual changes by setting a workout schedule that works for you and stick to it. Did you know that you can schedule your weekly workout routine in your EvolveYou planner? We also understand that everyone is different and your starting point as well as your preferences to working out will be different from the next girl. That’s why we’ve made it our mission to support all women, no matter their background or goals to ensure we have the right program for everyone. Simply have a browse through our trainers and program and see what workout routine you like the look of and add it to your planner.

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Alice Fontecilla
Alice Fontecilla is a qualified personal trainer and sports massage therapist with over 7 years of experience in the world of health and fitness. She also holds a Gestalt counselling certificate as she believes true health stems from a harmonious mind, body and soul.

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